07 December 2008



Today there were fishies (and stuff) to plaster on windows in my package. (They were kind of hard to take pictures of. Sorry...) I think I will try to put them up in my bathroom and see how that goes. :-)

I have also updated my Blogs, Homepages and Webcomics page. I love surfing the net and bookmark a lot. Every once in a while I go through my bookmarks and clear out the boring ones and keep the interesting ones. Some of the interesting links made it to this page. ;-)

What I am still thinking over is my wishlist. I was asked to update it (probably because it hasn't changed at all and Christmas and birthdays are approaching...). Well, it is not wrong. I still wish for the things on the list. But, well, right now none of the things are wishes that are particularly important to me.
So, I'm trying to find out, what it is I wish for or that would really make me happy. The problem is that most of the things that come to mind are things which cannot be bought or given in the traditional sense like a boyfriend (Yes, I know, I got one last year. That is not what I mean...) and a bunch of kids, not having a depression, being able to work full time, being able to travel without panic attacks, more self-esteem, energy and time to catch up on doing all the tings I feel I missed out on during the last two and a half years, that my friends are healthy and doing well, and so on. Then there are the tings that could be bought or given but are pretty much impossible or out of reach like my dream house, a cat (no pets allowed in the apartment) or someone who cleans and cooks for me. *sigh*
Well, I am thinking. I'll update my wishlist if I get some good ideas.

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