22 December 2008


A Blessing for Unruly Hair

A bunch of small hair bands! :-)
I've been looking for them for a long time.

At the moment I am experimenting with letting my hair grow long again. Well, maybe. Sort of. Generally, it is on the verge of driving me nuts. My bangs are too long and hang in my eyes and too short to be tucked behind my ears. And the rest of my hair is too long for not doing anything with it and too short for real pigtails (or anything else). So, small hair bands are a real blessing. :-)

I didn't try them out at once, though, because I look like I have a serious case of mumps, since the lymphnodes in my neck are so swollen.

The rabbit is very happy that her "herd" is complete again. She follows us (mostly me) around and demands to be petted all the time (or so it feels).

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