26 September 2007


I shed...

... big time! Not so much hair but lots of skin. :-/

Yes, I have dandruff, but that doesn't concern me so much. My skin is falling off over my whole body - in flakes. It is worst on my hands and face (and head of course). It itches, and if I scratch it gets worse. I can try to use some body lotion, but I am allergic to most of them, and those which I am not allergic to make me sweat like hell. And sweating makes my skin itch - and then I scratch - and then it gets worse. :-(
So, what can I do? I can stop washing myself and run around naked - both not very acceptable in a western society...
And what do I do? I stop washing myself and run around naked as much as I can. And no, you may not come to visit!

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