25 August 2007


greeted by old friends

I finally arrived and was greeted and welcomed by old friends.

Quiet (and heavy) Penelope - the coward - greeted me very cautiously, making sure I was still the one I used to be. She likes to lie not too far away from where I am sitting and enjoys to be stroked without end.

Her big ear turned in my direction indicates that she is not exactly sure if everything is normal. She is alert and listens very intently. ;-).

Ada - the spirited one - greeted me by tugging at my pants, and letting me know that it is still her who is the boss. She will unmistakably let you know what she wants, and if you don't react fast enough - or in the expected fashion - she will indignantly and impatiently tugg at your pants...

Eventhough she is listening and attentive to what I am doing, she will not be disturbed while nibbling on straw!

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