Eduards Blog

11 September 2007

The last two weeks have been so nice and quiet and yesterday all of a sudden the world ended! I'm sure it did! My cage was raided. Everything was moved around, taken away and cleaned. All my little food stashes are gone! There was no place to hide, so I crawled up the wall between the cage and my wheel. It was uncomfortable, but I was safe! When the world calmed down again I hid in the far corner of my cage behind the hay until it became dark. Then I went searching for food. Luckily there was plenty, so I started new food stashes all over the place to be prepared for the next time when the world ends.

posted by me @ 06:49 in hamster


Posts: 4
My father died tinyr
Reply #4 on : Thu November 14, 2013, 19:16:12
My father died tinyrg to save our lives from a hamster . He was returning home after gathering berries and nuts and was ambushed by a ferocious hamster much like the one in this video.. I still look at the old river where he used to fish and cry for him. Good people like him don't deserve to have their lives taken by beasts like this.
Posts: 4
Take an old TV, buy
Reply #3 on : Sat November 16, 2013, 02:22:03
Take an old TV, buy one at salvation army, crack the sceern and one side so it is obviously badly broken, then open the back, place PM's inside then screw it back TIGHTLY. Leave it on the floor in the garage in plain sight. Allow it to get dusty. When they see the cracked sceern no one will touch it. I also use the old vacuum bag trick. You can fill an old plastic trash container with pop cans and place PMs on the bottom. Allow spiders and bugs to make it less inviting. Remember if it's hard & time consuming for you to get to, it's a great hiding place, think time value. Digging thru a ton of old clothes will turn off any guy! Under the refrig in that yucky water tray.Wrap in the hot water heater blanket. Tie PM's wrapped in duct tape to a string and tape the string to the back of the water heater for easy removal, make sure they can't see the string. Place in a bag of disposable diapers in full view. Hide single pieces of gold, {in plastic casing} in a jar of vaseline or cold cream like Noxzema.Open a female pad, place gold on adhesive side, then reseal pad and place on bottom of the box of pads in bathroom cabinet.Duct taped under an old car in the garage. Then spray paint it black. Cathedral ceiling with a ceiling fan, climb up and tape gold pieces to the top of motor. Who the heck would go there?Have many stashes & never a lot of PM's in one place!Never store PM's in your bedroom or on a bookshelf!! It's the first two places they look. [url=]cewgimmq[/url] [link=]lkkdsn[/link]
Posts: 4
Hi all,This is reall
Reply #2 on : Mon November 18, 2013, 09:00:22
Hi all,This is really great, I would like to try <a href="">hamtesr</a> on win!I've been trying to install it following the procedure proposed here, but without luck.I used the directoryC:\<a href="">hamtesr</a>-src\<a href="">hamtesr</a>-appletI renamed C:\<a href="">hamtesr</a>-src\<a href="">hamtesr</a>-applet\DNSAPI.DLL to DNSAPI_OLD.dlbut still gotTraceback (most recent call last): File <a href="">hamtesr</a> , line 35, in File gtk\__init__.pyc , line 30, in File gobject\__init__.pyc , line 26, in File glib\__init__.pyc , line 22, in File glib\_glib.pyc , line 12, in File glib\_glib.pyc , line 10, in __loadImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.Of course I installe GTK+ runtime. I run on WIN 7, any clue or suggestion?Otherwise I'll have to try to build it, but I am afraid is going to take some time
Posts: 4
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Reply #1 on : Wed February 12, 2014, 09:06:51
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