Bulettes Blog

08 December 2011
A Disturbing Thought

  » Click to zoom ->This gift got me to look under the bed for the Christmas Elf.
Just a few days earlier The Boyfriend and I tried (without success) to build a loooong drinking straw.
The Boyfriend had been complaining bitterly that he had to sit up in the bed in order to be able to drink his coffee.
Hence the attempt to make a loooong straw. It didn't work so well.
And now I am wondering where the Christmas Elf is hiding, since it obviously witnessed our struggle.

posted by me @ 22:55 in advent calendar


Posts: 1
Re: A Disturbing Thought
Reply #1 on : Wed December 21, 2011, 16:51:21
Well, no wonder it didn't work too well - considering the diameter size of the above shown "drinking-straw"-elements The Boyfriend would have to have a pretty big mouth in order to be able to suck(le) on that tube..;-)

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